First meeting of project partners in Giessen
In der Zeit vom 24 bis zum 28. Februar 2014 werden die türkischen Partner zu ihrem ersten Besuch nach Gießen kommen. Während des Besuchs sollen die beim Treffen in Bursa gewonnenen Erkenntnissse vertieft und die nächsten Arbeitsschritte geplant werden. In beiden Partnerrregionen gibt es deutliche Unterschiede in der Ausbildung der Lehrkräfte und der Phase des Berufseinstiegs. In Hessen folgt auf das Studium an einer Universität (Abschluss: 1. Staatsprüfung) eine 21 monatige Vorbereitungsphase, die mit der zweiten Staatsprüfung abschließt. In dieser Phase unterrichten die Lehrkräfte an einer Schule und werden durch ein Studienseminar (Ausbildungsmodule/Unterrichtsbesuche etc.) begleitet. Eine Einstellung nach der zweiten Staatsprüfung ist abhängig von der Prüfungsnote, den gewählten Unterrichtsfächern und der Verfügbarkeit einer entsprechenden Stelle an einer Schule. In der Türkei bewerben sich Lehrkräfte nach ihrem Studium und erfolgreicher Prüfung direkt um eine Lehrerstelle. Das erste Jahr in der Schule gilt als Bewährungsphase, die von einzelnen Ausbildungskursen begleitet wird. Das in Gießen während des Projekts mit Granada erarbeitete Material “Bausteine zum Berufseinstieg” zielt auf die Zeit nach dem 21 monatigen Vorbereitungsdienst. Es soll Schulleitern die Möglichkeit geben, ein schulbezogenes und sehr individuelles Programm zur Begleitung der Berufseinstiegsphase neuer Lehrkräfte zu entwickeln. Dieses sollte neben den notwendigen Informationen zur Schule auch eine Beschreibung all dessen enthalten, was für den Berufseinstieg hilfreich ist. The first meeting of the projectpartners in Giessen is planned for February 24th to February 28th 2014. This meeting will give the partners the opportunity to deepen the cooperation and to discuss further steps and necessary preconditions. There is a big difference between the two countries concerning studies and training before the individual teacher starts his/her job in school. In Hesse there is a 21 months phase of practical training in the schools after university. This time is guided by attending special courses in teacher training centres. This is a compulsory element with a state exam at its end. Passing this exam gives someone the permission to apply for a teaching post. The chances to get a teacher’s job then depend on various facts such like the results of the exam, studied subjects and the availability of positions in the schools. During the first stay in Bursa it was obvious, that in Turkey teachers apply for the certain post directly after their university studies and that there is a one year phase of probation with some special courses. This seems to be a kind of training on the job. The material developed in Giessen during the project with Granada focusses on the time after the two training periods (university and 21 month of praxis), when a teacher for the first time gets a real post at school. In form of a prototype it gives a structure and examples for an individual school based program. The material is not made for the hand of the individual teacher. It is addressed to headmasters which are in charge for the integration of new teaching staff. According to the the structure and the examples in the material every headmaster can create a manual about his school without a time consuming effort. This should provide all necessary information about the school and a description of the support that is offered by school administration and colleagues.
The first meeting of the projectpartners in Giessen is planned for February 24th to February 28th 2014. This meeting will give the partners the opportunity to deepen the cooperation and to discuss further steps and necessary preconditions. There is a big difference between the two countries concerning studies and training before the individual teacher starts his/her job in school. In Hesse there is a 21 months phase of practical training in the schools after university. This time is guided by attending special courses in teacher training centres. This is a compulsory element with a state exam at its end. Passing this exam gives someone the permission to apply for a teaching post. The chances to get a teacher’s job then depend on various facts such like the results of the exam, studied subjects and the availability of positions in the schools. During the first stay in Bursa it was obvious, that in Turkey teachers apply for the certain post directly after their university studies and that there is a one year phase of probation with some special courses. This seems to be a kind of training on the job. The material developed in Giessen during the project with Granada focusses on the time after the two training periods (university and 21 month of praxis), when a teacher for the first time gets a real post at school. In form of a prototype it gives a structure and examples for an individual school based program. The material is not made for the hand of the individual teacher. It is addressed to headmasters which are in charge for the integration of new teaching staff. According to the the structure and the examples in the material every headmaster can create a manual about his school without a time consuming effort. This should provide all necessary information about the school and a description of the support that is offered by school administration and colleagues.
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Fotos of first project meeting in Bursa
Offizieller Start des Comenius Regio Projekts im Büro des Direktors des Bursa Provincial Directorate of National EducationBesuch in der Partnerschule in BursaGemeinsames Mittagessen der Projektpartner in einem ehemaligen HamamErste gemeinsame Arbeitssitzung in BursaPräsentation zur Situation junger Lehrkräfte in BursaVerabschiedung der Gießener DelegationOfficial start of Comenius Regio Project in the director’s office in Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education Visit at partnerschool in Bursa Lunch in a former Hamam First worksession in Bursa Presenting the situation of new teachers in Bursa Farewell to the delegates from GiessenOfficial start of Comenius Regio Project in the director’s office in Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education Visit at partnerschool in Bursa Lunch in a former Hamam First worksession in Bursa Presenting the situation of new teachers in Bursa Farewell to the delegates from Giessen
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Studies have found in mice)
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