Partner Institutions in Giessen (Hesse):
Staatliches Schulamt für den Landkreis Giessen und den Vogelsbergkreis
Supervision, administration, support, teacher training and advice for the schools in the Giessen and Vogelsberg area of Hessen.
Role of your organisation in the project:
1. The institution develops the general structure of the project together with its
Turkish partners
2. The institution coordinates und supports planning and realisation of the different
steps of the project
3. The institution evaluates the whole project
4. The institution informs the schools in the region about the outcomes of the project
and publishes it through the regional media and the project website
5. The institution is responsible for planning, application and realization of a
multinational conference
→ Website Staatliches Schulamt
Friedrich Feld Schule Giessen
The FFS is a vocational school with a focus on commercial training. In total we have about 1,200 students, who are taught by 80 staff members. In Germany this makes us a medium sized vocational school.
We offer a variety of courses leading to different qualifications. Two of them offer full-time school courses leading to general school qualifications with a focus on economics, either for an intermediate school leaving certificate (10th and 11th grade) or as a university entry qualification (11th to 13th grade).
A further three school types provide specific vocational training on a full-time basis over a two year period (intermediate vocational schools). We offer state recognised qualifications in Office Management and Administration, Information Technology with a commercial focus, and for Foreign Language Secretaries.
Other students train at the Friedrich-Feld-Schule in our part-time vocational school. The students train under the “Dual System”, which is typical for Germany. Here the students come to school for theoretical commercial and foreign language training on 2 days each week and they take part in practical “training-on-the-job” in local companies on the other three days. We offer dual system training courses, as Wholesale and Import/Export Professionals or as Warehouse Logistics Specialists or as Skilled Employees for Warehousing.
Each course has a commercial focus and features subjects related to economics and administration as well as the usual school subjects. All courses include periods of practical training which take place under supervision in local companies. Many of our students learn about the processes involved in office work in our “Learning Office”, where they get a first taste of office life. We are keen to give our students the best possible start to their working lives and so we not only offer courses in typing, data processing and other office relevant skills, but also provide them with training for job interviews and job applications, and other life skills such as teamwork and communication.
→ Website Friedrich Feld Schule
Justus Liebig Universität Giessen
Justus Liebig University Giessen is a modern institution which can take pride in some four centuries of past achievement. It is one of Germany’s top research universities featuring an extraordinarily broad range of subjects. Bursa is a strategic partner region of the Federal State of Hessen and Justus Liebig University Giessen maintains fruitful collaborations in the framework of a long-standing cooperation agreement with Uludag University Bursa.
Teacher training is a central task and of particular concern to Justus Liebig University Giessen. Students of teacher training account for one fifth of the total student body. The university seeks to focus on all parts of teacher training and professionalization but it is mainly in charge of the first part of teacher training at university. We distinguish three parts in teacher training: basic education at university, continuing professional training during a probationary teaching period and teachers’ lifelong learning and further training in schools.
The centre of teacher training organises academic teacher training studies in cooperation with faculties and departments involved in teacher training as well as practical school training in cooperation with local schools during the period spent at university.
The department of further training for teachers (as part of the centre of teacher training) initiates and organizes continuing academic teacher training regarding expertise in the subjects, in their didactics and pedagogical knowledge and skills.
→ Website Justus Liebig Universität
Partner Institutions in Bursa (Turkey):
Bursa is the 4th greatest city in TURKEY (More than 2.6 million people). Institution has 17 districts and huge human source with 89 inspectors, 29865 teachers, managers and education staff. Total 557878 students are educating at 1383 schools in institution’s responsibility area. Bursa İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Bursa Provincial Directorate of National Education) with their existing structures of collaboration and communication with each other and with the schools are a solid basis for the realization of the project.
The school is on an area of 1817 square meters consist of 2-storey building and a garden. School has Machinery Technology area and related four branches. They are Computerized Machinery Manufacturing, Industrial Mould, Computerized Machine Drafting and Machinery Maintenance and Repair. There are 6 administrative staff and 36 teachers and 666 students are educating now. Vocational education has more importance in our region. School has young teachers and this project will be very helpful for them. This will cause to increase student success and will make contribution confidence and professional satisfaction to the teachers.
282.991 people are living in Nilüfer District. Total 349 schools (10 for Disabled Students), 4394 teachers/ managers and 65015 students are in organisation’s responsibility area in Nilüfer district. Nilüfer İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Nilüfer District Directorate of National Education) with their existing structures of collaboration and communication with each other and with the schools are a solid basis for the realization of the project.